Fate of a 3rd class degree holder in the labour market.

You must have heard the adage which says ‘Reality always sets in after graduation from school’

For some, it sets in immediately they are been handed their certificates while for most, it happens in the labour market where the real competition begins.

The competition in this case is having to compete for limited opportunity with lots of applicants like yourself.

Most graduates struggle for survival amidst the tight competition of people with various types of class of degree, competency skills and experience.

It gets worrisome for applicants most especially when they see a job advert reading ‘ minimum requirement 2:2 of any university degree. So what happens when you don’t fall into the category of their ‘minimum requirement” At this point, you start losing confidence like you don’t actually possess what it takes to get a good job out there.

I am not going to ask how  you ended up with a third class degree, a lot of things could have happened, in fact no recruiter is interested in that story, but you can change your  narrative and make yourself marketable and employable to recruiters .

How do you go about changing the narrative?

1.      Build Your Confidence:

This can be achieved through having a positive mindset in the midst of it all. “ Tell yourself you are not a failure, and that class of degree doesn’t define you, what defines you is what you make of yourself and how you make people see you.

Recall little successes you had while growing up? Recall few commendations you had in some engagement you had. Can you remember the extracurricular activities where you stole the show and people commended you for it?   These and many more are some deep thinking that can make you get your confidence back.

2.      Acquire some skills:

The truth is the real world of work is totally different from what everyone is used to the world of work does not require you degree but you competencies in required skills which can be learnt off school.

In a competitive world of employment, your skill is your only survival means.

The recruiter is only interested in what you have to offer, why do you think you should be hired and of course what makes you different from every other applicants applying for the same job regardless of their class of degrees.

Your certificate is one thing but your skill is the only real thing that gives you an edge in every job opportunity available. So get this!  You can also google how to get a work readiness skill after graduation.

3.      Additional Certificate:    

Try and acquire additional certification so that when you present your resume, the recruiter is not at cross road of whether to invite you for an interview or not,   getting additional certification also boost your confidence as well as increase your chances of being shortlisted for that job.

Enroll for post graduate diploma, do a professional certification in line with your career field. This makes you professional as you make career choices. You can also consider some online courses or E-learning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, Teachable, WizIQ, Educadium, Skillshare, HRAcademy.NG etc.

4.     Get Some Volunteer Activities;

Sometimes you just need to make that little sacrifice. Look out for small companies where you can easily assist them with administrative opportunities. Research them and walk into their offices with your intention. Some companies such as Stutern and ITF can help you out here.

In summary, do not despise little beginnings, every little opportunity you get at any job no matter how little the salary is, do not hesitate, most especially if this gives you work experience that you need to thrive in a competitive industry. While others with higher class of degree are busy negotiating their worth in the labour market, use that opportunity to prove your worth to the labour market.

Hope you learnt one or two things? For any career service such as career Advisory,Linkedin optimization, CV writing and relevant career training. send a mail to hi@my360career.com

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